In 1906 the Titanic disaster was still some six years away; but now historians say that San Francisco’s pride and joy, the Palace Hotel, was the Titanic of that day. Built ostensibly to be earthquake proof (San Francisco had known past quakes), in only a few hours on April 18 the Palace was ruins. When the people saw it burn, they knew that their beloved city was doomed. The fire was worse than the quake.
Why would a God of love permit such a horrendous disaster? The death count was close to that of our 9/11 (there was no Al Qaida to blame, only God). Now, a century later, the seismologists warn that another big quake is due anytime and very little preparation has been made for it.
When we stop to reason, we can begin to realize that the pride and greed of man made the 1906 disaster worse than it needed to be. Previous quakes had destroyed much of the city (1864, 1898) and the resultant rubble had been dumped in the Bay, only to create new “land” on which more city had foolishly been erected. It was lethal building land. Every square inch seemed valuable for putting buildings on; even dirt that filled in lakes was built on (it also liquefied in the quake). California was booming and San Francisco was where wealth came easily. Money for building seemed unlimited. Heaven was being built on earth. And God was pretty well forgotten. Let’s not forget Him today.
He has indeed promised to create “new heavens and a new earth,” but not before the second coming of Christ. The earth is fragile like an old garment worn out (Isa. 51:6); God has not promised to re-create those earthquake faults now, nor stop the formation of hurricanes and tornadoes now. But He has promised to care for those who “dwell in the secret place” of prayer with Him (Psalm 91), and are “content.... having food and raiment” though living among popular extravagance (1 Tim. 6:6-9). If God calls you to live and work in the equivalent of “San Francisco,” do so as a missionary.